Mix and Match -
Saturday night
Very little to say about this widely known competition, the classic among the classics, where you’ll join as a lead or as a follow and you won’t know either the song nor your partner. Show your skills in partner-dancing and pay special attention in building a good connexion and complicity between both of you without forgetting about the musicality!
Prelims, Saturday at 21h.
Final around 23h.
Price: 5€ (Full pass & Mix pass free).
You must have a Full pass, Mix pass or pay 5€ extra.
Solo Blues Battle -
Sunday night
A Solo Blues boxing battle between two contestants where only one wins. You’ll just have a 1’20” song to beat your opponent and convince the judges that you are the winner with your best bluesy moves. Remember that you are dancing Solo Blues and don’t dare to touch your rival! Prelims and final, Sunday during the closing party (22h aprox).
Prelims, Saturday at 21h.
Final around 23h.